Membership Info
What do Council members do?
We are a very active working board focusing our attention on a wide range of projects such as our grant programs, various resources, partnerships, and much more. Members are required to attend our monthly meeting and work on at least one committee in addition to helping with our annual event, Art in the Park.
Frequently asked questions
How long may a council member serve?
Our 15 energetic and passionate volunteer members are appointed by the BOCC to serve up to two four-year terms. Elections are held annually to select chair, vice-chair, treasurer, and secretary. Project/Program Committee coordinator positions are revisited each year.
What qualities make a good Council member?
We are looking for team players who are passionate about seeing the arts thrive in Hernando County and are ready to roll up their sleeves to help make that dream a reality. Anyone who appreciates and values the arts can help, and we encourage dedicated, community-minded fundraisers, event planners, and doers to help us bring great events and programs to Hernando County. Each of our council members is different yet equally as important. We are each unique and pool our efforts to achieve our goals.
Do I have to be an artist?
Absolutely not! Some of us are visual artists, some are performing artists, others are art students or art lovers, and some are administrators– but all are passionate about supporting and growing the arts in Hernando County!
Can I get involved without being a Council member?
Yes! We would love to have your help in any capacity! If you would like to volunteer for a specific program, project, or event, you can reach out to us and let us know what your interests are. We will pair you up with the lead on the project and let you know what our current needs are. Other ways of helping include supporting local artists and art-related businesses, sharing about upcoming events or projects, volunteering, or making donations to help us fund our mission.
Am I allowed to attend a meeting before joining?
Of course and we actually recommend that you do! Our meetings are open to the public and are held at 5:30 PM on the second Thursday of each month at Brooksville City Hall unless otherwise noted.

We are always looking for members who are dedicated to moving our mission forward.
If you are interested in learning more about getting involved, please reach out to us. We’d love to answer your questions and point you in the right direction toward becoming a member and joining our team.