Join the Hernando Art Directory

Hernando County is home to hundreds of talented artists. That’s why we created The Hernando Art Directory– to give artists that live in and/or within a 100-mile radius of Brooksville a place to display their talents in all disciplines including visual arts, music, theatre, literature, filming, teaching, and more. Art in the Park exhibitors are also welcome to join our listing, regardless of their location.

This directory allows visitors to view and search the wide variety of talent that is in our community, purchase artwork, or hire professional services from our talented arts community. Learn more about the tiers below and get your free Tier 1 Listing today!

Questions? Fill out our contact form or email us at

Hernando Art Directory - Tier 1


Tier 1 includes :

  • Name or Business Name

  • Medium

  • Contact Info (Phone Number, Email, or Website)

  • One (1) Photo of the Artist

  • Category-based directory listing for 1 year

This free tier is available only to Hernando County residents. If you are located outside of Hernando County, Tier 2 and Tier 3 are available to you.

Hernando Art Directory - Tier 2


Tier 2 Includes :

  • Name or Business Name

  • Medium

  • Phone Number/Email

  • Location Listed (i.e.: Brooksville, FL)

  • Address Listing (if public gallery or space)

  • Category-based directory listing for 1 year

  • 3-Sentence “About the Artist” Summary

  • Up to Four (4) Photos; One Photo of the Artist and Three Photos of Your Artwork

  • Two (2) Links to Your Website and/or a Social Media Pages

  • One (1) Personalized Social Media Post Per Year

Hernando Art Directory - Tier 3


Tier 3 Includes:

  • Name or Business Name

  • Medium

  • Phone Number/Email

  • Location Listed (i.e.: Brooksville, FL)

  • Address Listing (if public gallery or space)

  • Category-based directory listing for 1 year

  • 300-Word Artist Statement or Biography

  • Up to Seven (7) Photos; One Photo of the Artist and Six Photos of Your Artwork

  • Five (5) Links to Your Website and/or Social Media Pages

  • One (1) Personalized Social Media Post Per Year

  • One (1) Artist Spotlight in our Monthly Newsletter

  • One (1) Short Interview on our Blog