Loan : Emergency Bridge Loan Program
Business Name: State of Florida & Florida Commerce
Project Name : Florida Small Business Emergency Bridge Loan program
Project Description : The Florida Small Business Emergency Bridge Loan program provides short-term, zero-interest working capital loans that are intended to “bridge the gap” between the time a disaster impacts a business and when a business has secured longer term recovery funding such as federally or commercially available loans, insurance claims or other resources.
Loans made under this program are short-term, personal loans using State of Florida funds – they are not grants and must be repaid.
Details :
Loans are available up to $50,000 per business per eligible applicant. Loans of up to $150,000 are available for agriculture and aquaculture small businesses
Loans made through this program are two year, zero-interest, personal business loans.
Florida Small Business Emergency Bridge Loans require repayment by the applicant.
Owners may utilize funding from longer term financial resources, such as U.S. Small Business Administration Economic Injury Disaster Loans, to repay the Emergency Bridge Loan.
For full details, visit