A Fifties Drug Store Mural


Chad Leininger

20 Broad St. (41) Brooksville, FL, 34601

Building Name
Hogan’s Law Firm (rear)

Enter the SunTrust Bank drive-through parking lot on S. Broad St., halfway between N. Main St. and N. Orange Ave.  

Mural Creation Sponsors
Progress Energy; wall donors Mr. & Mrs. Tom Hogan, Jr.

Photo Credit: Photographs are the property of Emilio "Sonny" Vergara and can be used by the Hernando County Fine Arts Council. Any other use of the photographs must have his permission (evergaraphotoart@gmail.com).

Back to the Fifties

Hogan’s Drug store was the only drug store in town for many years and a godsend for moms with fussy babies, children with upset stomachs, and adults with all manner of aches, pains, injuries, and illnesses.  Mr. Tom Hogan, Sr., pharmacist, (pictured behind the counter) was perennially kind, understanding, and AVAILABLE. His famous “butt paste” was his own formula for baby’s diaper rash that many moms swore was more effective and less expensive than brand names.  

Artist Chad Leininger painted his family members in the mural. Sister Lisa is on the right in green with her son Harrison.  His other sister, Amy, is working behind the counter on the left side serving a drink. Tom Hogan, Sr. is the pharmacist (pictured with glasses) behind the counter on the right with his wife, Mary Ann.  Chad’s grandmother is in the picture hanging on the wall above Mr. Hogan.  The old theater visible out the window has a poster of a movie playing in 1954.  The jukebox lists all 50s music.  Chad is sitting on a stool alone.